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The races of Hush Blossom



The Angharad are sentient plant-life with humanoid attributes. Many reflect pre-existing plants, like flowers such as roses or lilies, or trees like juniper or oak.


The Angharad that resemble flowers have skin that is made from a matter similar in texture to flower petals or leaves, only more robust, and can appear in all shades, gradients, and patterns imaginable. A large flower blooms and wilts on their lower back repeatedly throughout their life, with smaller flowers growing along their spine.

Those that reflect trees have bark-like skin, and branches sprout from their heads, with other branches trailing down their spines. Leaves and flowers grow from these branches, and much like the flower-based Angharad, a large flower blossoms on their lower back.

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The Angharad share several similar features: they have four eyes – two large, with the smaller two sat below. With no sclera, iris colours can be any shade, and their pupils are made up of coloured patterns or shapes. Noses are undefined and mouths are small, and their age is indeterminable through appearance alone.

A hermaphroditic race, they contain both carpels and stamens, which will unfurl from the large flowering body on their spine during mating season, and they do not define one another by gender.

Some Angharad are only 4”0 tall, whilst others can be well over 7”0.


They once hailed from an archipelago known only as The Summer Isles. Their exact location is unknown, and the Angharad only say that the islands sank beneath the waves in a terrible geological event, long before all other sentient life existed. By this account, the Angharad are the oldest living species on the planet, and can now be found mainly inhabiting Pridd alongside the Kuri – namely a meadow-valley called The Vale. There are many who live elsewhere, and wherever an Angharad resides, nature is said to flourish and thrive.

The Angharad live in stem-like structures that they have magically and harmlessly woven into shape from the plant-life around them. They live harmoniously alongside nature, and as they subsist only on water and light, they have no need for farms or material possessions. The only thing they crave is shelter and companionship. The majority of the Angharad are diurnal, with some hibernating in winter seasons.

A peaceful and compassionate race, the Angharad are more driven to involve themselves in the outside world than their Kuri neighbours. Many Angharad will follow one of three similar goals: to grow and harvest the panacea Pêr flowers that bloom only in their presence, to explore and document as much of the world as possible, or to spread their spiritual teachings.

These teachings are based on the Angharad’s faith, which revolves around the concept of one deity – an ancient being often referred to in feminine form – whom created not only life on their planet, but life on multiple other worlds as well. This deity, named Sêrrhoi, is odd in appearance, resembling no known entity. Sêrrhoi’s main attributes are love and the dawn, along with life-giving dew and the stars.

Many theorise the Angharad are plants imbued with powerful magical energy, others say they are the reincarnations of ancient spirits.

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Like many plants, the Angharad are capable of surviving on only water and sunlight, in a process known as photosynthesis. Whilst they appreciate various nutrients and minerals, food from other humanoid races often make them nauseous or ill.

Certain Angharad survive in specific climates and biomes, having adapted to the weather and seasonal changes. Some are hardier, able to withstand harsh frost or heat, whilst many choose to remain in areas with regular rainfall and decent sunlight exposure.

Known to be powerful magic casters, their magic appears to be tied to the land, ground in nature and more primal forces, linked to the magical ley-lines that lace the planet. They very rarely use this ability to attack others, instead channelling it into helping life around them thrive. But when provoked, there have been many renowned Angharad mage-warriors, and are often quick to defend the innocent and helpless.

Many Angharad emit fragrant scents when reaching maturity, leaving behind a pollen-like dust on those they find appealing as a companion. This pollen is a powerful aphrodisiac for Serenians, Craiddens, and Kocka, whilst perfume from an Angharad’s flowers are sold for a high price on many markets, with some scents said to be able to lull others into a restful sleep, or make the wearer appear more attractive, and are sometimes prized as ingredients for dyes and potions.


Angharad names follow the Welsh language, often taking inspiration from Welsh mythology. Etymology doesn’t seem to revolve around anything specific, and no name is gendered to them. Whilst they have no use for surnames, many have an epithet that will describe a certain personality trait or title.

Traditional Names: Mererid, Rhiannon, Nisien, Cân

Traditional Bynames: the Kind, the Loyal, the Nurturer, the Blessed

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