Nereza Rezarta
"The Designer"

Name: Nereza Rezarta
Meaning: "Darkness" "Golden Ray"
Race: Craidden
Age: 24
Birthday: Summer 16th
Personality: Sarcastic, creative, independent, can be moody and lazy at times
Appearance: Flame Frenzy skin with a Dark Bronze gradient along her arms, legs, and forehead, Goldenrod geometric tattoos along her arms, White shaded with Ash White hair, Gold Dusk horns (like pyrite) on her forehead and larger ones at the back of her head, with smaller chunks along her cheekbones, shoulders and spine, Black Gold pupils and sclera with Gold Dusk irises, pointed canines - Curvy & muscular build, 6"0 in height, B-cup
Occupation: Designer
Likes: Painting, warm weather, naps, cats & singing
Dislikes: Being overworked, being hungry, failing
Favourite Colours: Woven Gold - Coal Black - Plum
- Due to a Serenian grandparent, she doesn't have the rock-like structures along her arms and legs like most Craidden.
- Her singing voice has been described as like "coffee-and-cream."
- Although outwardly moody and unfriendly, Nereza loves her job and teammates at the Hush Blossom.