The races of Hush Blossom
With physical characteristics that mimic aspects of both Serenians and the O Dân, the average Craidden tends to be around 6”0 in height, often with a muscular and broad build.
With several unusual features, the most prominent are the horns that grow from their foreheads – with some Craidden growing them further back along the skull and even from the neck. These horns seemingly share similarities with pre-existing metals or gemstones, with no set exactly the same. Some can appear like an emerald, others formed from twisting silver. Small chunks of these minerals can also dot the Craidden’s face and body, most often clustered along the spine.

Other unique Craidden features are their slit pupils and black sclera, with the irises often reflecting the same colour of their horns. The colours most often seen in their hair is either a deep black or a stark white, but depending on lineage, other, more Serenian hair shades are not uncommon. Skin colours range from various shades of brown, red, or purple, gradually changing into a black gradient along their arms and legs. Their hands are claw-like, with black lumps of chitin also growing on their arms and legs. Their ears are small and pointed, and their teeth are sharper than a Serenian’s, often compared to canine teeth.

Their homeland is known as Craidd – a vast country housing the most diverse flora and fauna on the planet. Much of the land is divided into two biomes: the golden-sand Híranya Desert at its centre, and the lush, expansive Miellé Rainforest coating nearly its entire coastline. The Craidden – preferring drier temperatures – mostly inhabit the oasis cities along the desert’s edge. Craidd’s capital is Yòk-paa – a beautiful city carved into cliffs made entirely of nephrite, with intricate and geometric architecture.
Descendants of an ancient union between Serenians and the O Dân, the Craidden have adopted customs from both races, along with developing their own. They follow the same small Serenian pantheon known as The Nine, but to the Craiddens, this group of deities have taken on more bestial attributes, with an additional god who resides over gold, minerals and precious stones.
One particular O Dân custom the Craidden’s seem to adore is decorating their skin with gold geometric tattoos, or wearing fine golden chains draped along their limbs and torso.

Incredibly strong, they are able to lift and carry thousands of kilograms in weight for long periods of time.
Suited to hotter, drier climates, they have a shared ability with their O Dân ancestors: the black chunks of chitin that coat their feet and claw-like hands enable them to touch and hold extremely hot objects without incurring any pain or damage. This enables them to traverse the scorching sands of their desert home.
They also seem to hold a proficiency in elemental magics, with many coveting those gifted in water magic.

Craidden names tend to mirror two languages: Arabic and Persian. Meanings of both forenames and surnames often allude to colours, traits such as their strength or personality, and adjectives. Those who also follow O Dân naming customs tend to use the letter “z” in their forenames, with many forgoing surnames as well.
Traditional Female Names: Nadra, Layla, Azrâ, Nâzi
Traditional Male Names: Duha, Ihab, Piruz, Mirzâ
Traditional Surnames: Akdar’qurun, Dima’jild, Yâqut-šâx – some have none at all