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The races of Hush Blossom



Considered rather “plain” by other races, Serenians’ hair colours range from black, brown, red, and blonde – with white and grey seen in older generations. Eye shades can be anywhere from green, brown, or blue, appearing in many shades and tones, with some featuring heterochromia or albinism. Their skin can be from pale pink to a dark brown, which is often dependent upon their environment. Highly diverse, with an average height being between 5"5 to 6"0, they come in a range of shapes and sizes that enable them to acclimate to whatever their environment or preferences require.

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They can be found on nearly every continent of the world – from the deserts of Craidd, to the meadows of Pridd. Serenians are capable to living amongst many other races and cultures, with not even the vast oceans standing in their way.

Hailing from their own homeland, Seren is largely an oceanic-climate country, with both sprawling fields and vast cities. The capital of Seren is Veritas – a large city, home to the Serenian monarchy, with many buildings mirroring French Renaissance architecture.

Serenians have a vast culture, with each country harbouring their own traditions and beliefs. One particular religion that seems to run strong regardless of distance is a small pantheon of gods known as The Nine – where each represents certain daily aspects, from something as mundane as home-life, to far grander desires of riches and power.

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Serenians are widely varied in their physical and mental abilities. Perhaps when compared to other races they may seem lacking – for they are not as strong as an O Dân, nor as quick-thinking as a Kocka, or as magically gifted as the Décaille.

But what they may lack in one focused area, they make up for being known as a jack-of-all-trades. Serenians are honest, hard-working, and highly adaptable, being one of the few races found on nearly every continent of the world. Where one Serenian may find prowess in hunting, another could be a promising scholar – nothing seems to stand in their way once they put their mind to something, and many older races find the Serenians’ curiosity and thirst for purpose rather endearing and inspiring.  

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Serenian names tend to be broad and world-encompassing, and using any from Welsh to Chinese, Icelandic to African, and beyond is all appropriate.

Traditional Female Names: Abigail, Li Na, Lakshmi, Freyja, Desta

Traditional Male Names: Dustin, Zhang Wei, Mahir, Daisuke, Ivan

Traditional Surnames: Blackwood, Gallo, Park, Nurmi, Ingesson


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