The races of Hush Blossom
Appearing much like Serenians at first glance, the Kocka’s most defining features are their feline ears and tail. Following the many cat breeds, a Kocka’s ears can be small or large, sharply pointed or softly folded, with tails that range from the long and slender, to the short and fluffy. Their hair colours will match those of their ears and tail, and appear in shades of grey, brown, black, red, or white/cream. Some can be solid colours, others can be patterned like a tabby or a calico.
Much like Serenians, their body shapes can vary widely, and skin tones range from pale pink to a dark brown. Eye colours appear in shades of brown, orange, green, yellow, and blue. They have vertically slit pupils, and many grow their fingernails to become claw-like. The Kocka also have pointed teeth, perfectly suited to tearing meat from bone.
Much like Serenians, they are a cosmopolitan species, found on nearly every continent of the world. Yet oddly the Kocka do not have a known homeland – it is common knowledge that the Kocka are Serenians with distant Lovit heritage. Many are found living in the Serenian homeland of Seren, or the country of the Lovit known as Vecer – especially its capital, the cliff-city of Letnístín.
Cat-like not only in their features, the Kocka are well-known for their intense curiosity, playful mischief, and strong independence. Solitary by nature, it is common for Kocka to be friendly with one another, but with no particular strength in community. They prefer to explore and experience the world alone, yet marriage is polygamous, often involving one male and at least up to five females. Also known for their hot-cold personalities, many outsiders don’t know how to handle a Kocka upon first meeting, bemused by their need for long sleep-cycles and hyper motivation when given a task.
The Kocka lead a largely nomadic lifestyle, and don’t particularly follow any religion or deity. They do have strong customs and traditions, often related to the self and what one can gain from certain events – acts that the misinformed may see as selfish or ignorant. The Kocka that live in Vecer have developed a rich folklore revolving around mystical and dangerous beasts and monsters that roam the savannas.

Despite their outwardly Serenian appearance, the Kocka hold far more feline abilities. They have excellent night vision due to the tapetum lucidum in their eyes, and can see things in great detail despite being unable to discern between certain shades of red and green.
With an incredibly strong sense of smell and powerful hearing, even the stealthiest of thieves would struggle to sneak up on a Kocka, ever-alert and ready to pounce. Their balance and agility far outstrips that of any other race, and they are capable of jumping up to five times their own height. Their reflexes are also very quick, and can cover vast distances in short bursts of intense speed. They also possess a feline empathy, able to understand and communicate with cats in general.
Many Kocka share naming traditions similar to those of Serenians, but some also lean more towards the etymology of their respective cat breed. For example, those that resemble a Norwegian Forest cat would commonly have Norwegian inspired names, or a Brazilian Shorthair would perhaps have a Portuguese name. Surname meanings indicate their said respective cat breed, or tend to be adjectives describing their fur colours or physical attributes.

Traditional Female Names: Millie, Nizhoni, Sveta, Châu
Traditional Male Names: Tamrat, Thiha, Kaspar, Hugo
Traditional Surnames: Blackear, Strongtail, Khao-mani, Habaša