The races of Hush Blossom
All Kuri have a high percentage of body-fat, and are petite in their height and build. Quite sheep-like, all Kuri are capable of growing their hair to great lengths in a short amount of time. This mass of hair is thick, soft, and often slightly curly, and can come in shades of brown, grey, black, or white/cream, with some patterned with various markings, stripes or spots. It isn’t uncommon to see a Kuri sporting hair that is the entire length and width of their body in colder months – with many wrapping it around themselves to protect from harsh weather.

Skin colours range in shades of brown, and patterns not unlike vitiligo are seen in at least ten-percent of the population. Their faces are round and somewhat childlike, with eyes that possess horizontal rectangular pupils. Eye colours can appear in shades of brown, yellow, orange, or green. Two of the Kuri’s most defining features are the ram’s horns that grow from either side of their head, regardless of gender. These horns come in various shapes and sizes, with most having a ridged surface and are tightly curled. The other feature is their sheep ears and tails, which will be the same colour as their mass of hair.
The Kuri call the infinite fields and wild meadows of Pridd their home. Here they struggle for little, cultivating the land to harvest what they need, and leaving the rest to grow naturally. The Kuri possess no cities, instead tending to one singular section of Pridd that they deem only as The Meadowlands. The majority of Kuri clans reside here, and they live within homes built alongside nature – often in the base of hills and alongside rivers and streams, to harness their energy. Kuri live in tight-knit family communities, helping one another without question, and possess a preference for the minimalistic.
They have no need for mass amounts of possessions, and have a simple and contented way of life. Living peacefully alongside nature, they are the perfect example of agrarian and pastoral lifestyles, with very few ever journeying beyond Pridd. Not quite as isolationist as the Pyeonbok, the Kuri have somewhat segregated themselves from the wider world, but only as a precaution. They do not prevent any from entering or leaving their lands, but are not ignorant of the dangers that linger beyond their borders. Many ignorant outsiders either view the Kuri as a pure folk void of worldly corruption, or as a rather isolated, stupid race.
The Kuri follow no religion or faith – some clans will perhaps possess familial traditions, such as holding festivities on certain days due to past events or memories. But as a rural yet civilised society, the Kuri find religion has no place in their day-to-day lives.

Despite seeming rather defenceless at first glance – living in peaceful clans, and possessing no obvious weaponry – many a mercenary or brigand have fallen to a Kuri’s terrifying fury upon this dangerous assumption. Fully capable of defending themselves, the Kuri possess some unique abilities that they hide carefully for the rare times that they are forced to protect themselves.
The first is that they are immune to any magic that may attempt to mentally disable them, such as illusions or behaviour-controlling spells. It is theorised that this ability has developed from their ancestral adaptation, having once been under the subjugation of a powerful yet now extinct race of ancient mages who used the Kuri as their slaves and experiments many millennia ago.
Another of the Kuri’s abilities is the compact properties of their hair. Upon heavy impact, their hair hardens to become a near-indestructible solid, blocking and negating many deadly attacks from various weapons. The Kuri will wrap themselves in their mass of hair when defending themselves to take full advantage of this ability.

The Kuri also possess some form of animal empathy, but unless fully trained, most Kuri only feel faint and simple emotions from animals under extreme focus. Those who receive the years-long training will eventually develop the ability to sense the emotions, and eventual telepathic link, of any animal or beast they encounter.
Kuri names come in the form of three short, often monosyllabic words, and almost always with alliteration. Names are not gender specific, and all three words are their entire name – no forename or surname defined – but many accept to be referred to by the first word as their nickname. Any language can be used, and etymology in non-essential.
Traditional Names: Kimi Kal Kun, Bea Brim Bam, Devi Dash Dul, Sol Soo Som