Here we are again! January!
The Blossom is carrying on into 2019 with a bang, and I've been bashing away at this one over Christmas, between turkey and too much chocolate anyway ^^;;
This is the Container Revamp!!
Whilst the first Container System worked it wasn't very practical. The towering boxes that cascaded didn't really allow for expansion that wouldn't start looking a bit off, with a potential 9 boxes flying into the game world.
This revamp simplifies the Container System, and keeps it all within a subpage. The left side of the screen portrays the slots and what the player has stored there, how much, and what style it is. The right side is context sensitive with a few different states.

The first state is empty - this allows the player to peruse a paginated view of their Lingerie Inventory. The amount shown might change depending on the final cut of how Lingerie is displayed to the player, so far the player can view 6 items - along with their Style, Stock, Cost and Quality Information.

The next state after this is the Edit Stage. If a Lingerie is in the slot the player is able to toggle a few options here.
The player is also able to view not only the Style of the Lingerie, due to colour (at the moment), but the Container as well. Different colours of plaid quickly show this off!

Being able to quickly see the style of your Container and Lingerie helps enormously with the next section. If the player is able to match a certain amount of styles they'll receive a bonus.

The player is also able to buy more Slots here.
Each Container has a default of 3 Slots, and players are able to buy 6 more for a total of 9, each Slot can have a maximum of 6 Items in one Slot too. This makes for quite a lot of Lingerie on offer!
This code was hard. A lot of sleepless nights and tempers broke out due to this! But it was worth it, this is now future proofed to include as many Containers as needed with this system, just a few variable additions here and there. The easiest part was definitely the Style Matching Code, which took just around an hour to get right - the rest of it has been a labour of love over the Christmas period!
Next up is a follow-on revamp to the Container Aesthetics and also the Management Menu - stick around and Keep on Blossoming!