The Hunting System is well under way!
The Design Changes to Hunting were under a lot of consideration over the past month, and I'm finally getting all of that design work placed into the game.
For starts we had to look at the way we wanted Hunting to work, a lot of these design elements were chosen based on the rest of the game. We wanted something light that didn't feel all encompassing, the original plan of a more intensive Hunting system that felt like it's own game might have made players forget they were playing a game that revolves around owning a Lingerie Store.
We've simplified this to a stat based text adventure of old! Multiple choices allow the player to make stat informed choices on what to do, and with enough experience and time put into one of our many areas in the game be able to forage at your leisure, so that getting that Wool you want for that next Bra doesn't come at the cost of an epic adventure.
That said there's still plenty of room for epic encounters as each area has specific bosses that the player will be able to encounter.
Writing these encounters and coding them has taken a good amount of time (see all of August :3).
This is all pending a test of the fun of course, in order to make sure this works I've written 45 Scenarios, each with at least 3 Options, meaning at least 135 lines of dialogue in all.
The test is close to being ready so hopefully we'll have a definite answer as to whether this is the right route to take!
*Also, this update has seen Hush Blossom being updated to Game Maker Studio 2, it's a whole heck of lot more efficient and I couldn't recommend it enough for anyone who hasn't moved over yet!
Keep on Blossoming!