The last two months have been a labour of love on the Commission System, which took a long time to get working as it is now.
I didn't want to upload a chapter unnecessarily but decided that the completion of the very first section of the Commission System was a good time for an update here.
This system currently allows me to click a button to run a random customer commission. Throughout the game the player may receive randomized requests for certain bespoke Lingerie sets, these complement the preset commissions players will be coming across throughout the game.
Customer commissions come in several stages, each one giving the player a chance to do a few different things.
1) Appease the Customer as best you can to earn not only Service Points, but overall satisfaction.
2) Recommend more pricey Blueprints/Materials/Enchantments in order to raise the overall price of the commission and rake in more cash monies.
3) Recommend something the customer might prefer more to increase the amount of satisfaction gained from the customer.
All of these options are available for each step of the custom Commission, although depending on the Skill Level of the player and the difficulty of the Customer in question you might find it more difficult to lead them down a different path.
Service points also allow you to 'buy' any remaining components that the customer didn't already request, increasing the complexity of the commission, any unused Service Points will then aid the action of Haggling.
Haggling allows the player to try and up the total price of the commission by up to 10%, the customer can counterattack if this fails however so it can be a risky maneuver.
Once haggling is complete or avoided the Commission is complete, giving the player a set amount of time to deliver on their promise before the Customer reaches their limit on patience. Unanswered commissions will cost the player dearly, but going above and beyond the call of duty will earn the player many rewards!
The next step of implementation for me will be to handle creating a commission from a 'view commission' window for ease of use, as well as adding a 'Create Commission' piece section to the Creator, as a helpful Quality of Life feature to ensure a player knows what they have to create without having to write everything down.
After that handling the 'handover' of the Commission Piece will be dealt with, hopefully this won't take as long as this step did though!
Keep on Blossoming!
