Progress is being made, the latest set of Creator run Minigames was conceived, created and finished in just a couple of days. This with the caveat of everything in the current version not looking anything like it will in the final version of course!
This minigame featuring a button mashing segment, followed by a time it right segment. As a way of adding more player agency and fun to the creation, it also makes you want to try every time to get that perfect score. The mashing actually has a function too, the faster you can fill up that bar the slower the timing bar will go, so the player really has a motivation to break their keyboard/controller!
The idea behind this was crushing ingredients and then mixing them with the right amount of time to create the dye, with that in mind the timing segment might be reserved for another section of the game and I'll instead replace this with an analogue stick rotate minigame instead.
For now however this is complete, only three aspects of the Creator remain which should give me some more chances to get creative with this.
Aside from that I've now had to create a Cheat button in order to speed up testing of the latest segments, this auto-completes a Minigame and gives me a Perfect - handy for getting to the latest segment quickly. This might be in the final release of the game as an option for players who have trouble with physically demanding minigames.
Keep on Blossoming!
