The sister race of the Décaille, the Iltahämärä (or “Ilta” for short) share many physical traits with them. Also known as the “Détoile,” they have large, softly pointed ears that are tipped with a blue glow. Their skin appears in varying shades of brown, speckled with blue freckles. Body shapes can vary widely, and their average height is around 6”1. Their hair is often light, with white and very pale blonde being the most common, and their eyes are devoid of pupils, appearing in bright variations of glowing blue. Their palms are also blue, and the insides of their blue mouths glow faintly.
The Ilta’s most notable feature is the glowing blue crystal embedded into their chests – known as Ikä – which leads to the glowing blue in their eyes, mouths, innards, and ear tips. The crystals are often no bigger than the palm of a hand, and appear in various shapes.
In a transition known as “gloaming,” as night approaches an Ilta’s skin will slowly darken to become completely black. The blue freckles will become bright white, making their skin resemble a night sky.
The blue of their eyes, palms, innards, and ear tips also become a glowing white, along with their hair, regardless of its natural colour.

When the Décaille fled their homeland of Bosquet during the King’s invasion, a small faction found refuge in the lofty lands of Spéire. Struggling to survive in an unknown country, they thought their fate was to perish. But then they found the Admatan Forest, and deep within it the giant glowing crystals. All life within this cloud forest seemed to lead back to the crystals, embedded deep within the soil like tree roots, and scattered about like menhir. Their purpose remains unknown to outsiders, but many believe that the group of Décaille refugees merged with whatever resides within the crystals, emerging reborn as the Iltahämärä. These crystals imbue the Ilta with dense magical capabilities, near-immortality, and energy to power certain constructs.

Unlike the Décaille, the Ilta do not have a spirit companion known as a Fero. It is unknown why, as a Fero is seen as a direct physical representation of the individual’s soul, and their bond with the Eika – perhaps instead reformed as the Ikä crystals within the Iltas’ chests.
Much like the Décaille, they still believe that all life is connected through a shared source, and that dormant gods reside within ancient trees. But since their apparent rebirth, the beliefs of the Ilta have shifted. The Eika no longer hold the utmost precedence in their faith system, instead it now seems tied much to the beliefs of the Angharad.
A feminine entity called Aamuemä to the Ilta draws many similarities to the Sêrrhoi of the Angharad – with attributes of stars, the dawn, love, and life-giving dew. Both societies centre on leading with compassion and creative intelligence, and the Ilta prioritise their lives with certain tasks: protecting the forest and its crystals, using their abilities to help others, spreading the teachings of Aamuemä, and exploring as much as the world as possible.
They build their homes within and around the trees, spiralling up into the canopies so that they may stare at the starry night sky unobstructed. Much of their architecture mirrors Angkorian and Tibetan designs.
Able to see clearly on the darkest of moonless nights, the Ilta specialise in reading the future from the patterns and constellations in the stars. With many training to become oracles, their visions of the past and future are rarely incorrect, and whilst somewhat cryptic at times, their prophecies have helped many avoid danger and devastation.
As the night draws in, and their skin blackens and becomes speckled with star-like points in what they call “gloaming,” their strongest predictions often occur around twilight. Many seek out the elusive Ilta – from kings to paupers – but the Ilta do not foretell for just anyone.
Highly skilled magic users, many specialise in magics revolved around lightning and crystals, with some able to transform organic matter into one of a near-indestructible crystalline material, often invaluable in constructing weapons with magical properties.
Much like their Décaille sisters, the Ilta are incredibly agile, stronger than the average Serenian, and are capable of running great distances without experiencing overexertion.

Iltahämärä names follow the Finnish language, with etymologies featuring descriptive words often mentioning physical features, personality traits, weather, celestial bodies and events, or other such poetic subjects.
Like the Décaille, some Ilta also use names from literary sources, such as Shakespeare and Greek mythology.
Their surnames are double-barrelled, and often refer to the individual’s life, such as their magical capabilities, or an event that occurred during their birth. Ilta names are not gendered.
Traditional Names: Kaarneen, Pilvikuu, Miranda, Astraeus
Traditional Surnames: Sun-Born, Bright-Hand, Ashen-One, Star-Blade