The races of Hush Blossom
To the average eye, a Pixill will seem to be nothing more than a small sphere of colourful, darting light. But upon peering closer, a small humanoid can be seen within. A race of tiny, synthetic people, the Pixill’s true size is no smaller than the average honeybee. Their skin, hair, and eye colours can appear in any shade or variant imaginable, often very bright and eye-catching. Patterns not unlike the traces of a circuit board trail along their arms, legs, and forehead, and sometimes along their torso.
Their facial features are childlike, with large eyes, simple-shaped eyebrows, and with ears that are large and softly pointed. Pixill heads are a little oversized compared to the proportions of their body. The majority of their eye’s iris is black, with a thin coloured ring around the pupil, faintly glowing and appearing in any colour.
The most noticeable Pixill feature are their holographic wings. Simplistic in shape and bright in colour, they seem to be made entirely of a magical light, leaving pixel-like motes in their wake when flying.
Sections of their bodies are much like that of a doll; ball-jointed and further exemplifying their artificial origin.

Mischievous, capricious, and eccentric, the Pixill’s original purpose was much like honeybees: enabling the pollination of most plant-life on the planet. But for some unknown reason and cause, the Pixill developed from a simplistic lifeform to that of a sentient species. With their true origins unknown, many Pixill colonies can be found in the elfin forests and abandoned towns of summery Nivasa. Due to their size-shifting abilities, their architecture can be an odd mash of miniature and human-sized structures, enabling shelter for the large, the small, and all in-between.
Described as fairy-like in nature, their current society vaguely reflects aspects similar to honeybees. Highly social, the Pixill live in mass semi-heterarchical colonies, ruled over by a single monarch – often a queen. Other than this monarch, no one individual is above or below another in their role in society. The Pixill may seem whimsical or languid to outsiders, but they take their jobs as pollinators very seriously, as they know many ecosystems would falter without them. They are often found in the company of animals and insects, living side-by-side without conflict. The Pixill find the lives of other races very intriguing, often following or hiding in pockets to experience their own miniature adventures.
Naturally curious and excitable, they love being gifted with things from outside of their land, even if the object holds no particular value for others.

The Pixill hold animistic beliefs, in that animals, plants, rocks, bodies of water, weather systems, fire, and even words, are animated and alive. No one thing is as important as the other, and the Pixill appreciate each in its own attributes.
They value emotions and living in the present above all else – to feel is to be alive for the Pixill, and they see it only as folly to obsess over the past or future. The more extreme the emotion the better, and they will transition through multiple emotions within a matter of minutes, flipping from one to the next.
The Pixill’s most unique ability is being able to magically alter their size. Their natural height is two-inches, whilst the biggest they can appear is no taller than 4”0. They can shrink themselves down to the size of a dust mote, which comes in handy when escaping predators or sneaking about. They can hold these sizes for an indefinite amount of time, without causing the magical fatigue many other mages would experience. Able to do this in the blink of an eye, many wonder if this ability is an inbuilt action for the Pixill rather than magic itself.
Adept magic users themselves, they place great value on words and their meanings, and believe that all things have a "true name." If one was to know the true name of a being, it would have complete power over them.
With their holographic wings, the Pixill are able to fly great distances before incurring overexertion, and are able to hover much like dragonflies.
Their synthetic eyes are capable of both microscopic and telescopic vision, able to see the individual scale of a butterfly’s wing, to spotting a lurking falcon in a field over half a mile away. They can also perceive colours beyond normal vision, even into the ultraviolet range, and have senses specially tuned to flower shapes, colours, and scents.

Pixill names have a sporadic system at best – some name themselves after a sound or noise they like, others seemed to have picked up names from outsiders. The most common words chosen are often botanical, such as names for flowers, trees, or other plants. Whilst the Pixill do have separate genders, they do not do so with their names.
They do not use surnames.
Traditional Names: Sage, Lily, Pine, Meep, Dzreet, Tik-tik